2010 Wales Workshop on Analytical Computational Mathematics: 24th of February 2010
Welcome to the webpage for the
2010 Wales Workshop on Analytical Computational Mathematics
Starting time will be approximately 12.00 noon and we aim to finish by 18:00. There will then be time for discussions, drinks and a meal in a local restaurant.
All talks will take place in room M/0.34 in Cardiff School of Mathematics.
Please send us an email with the subject 'WIMCS NA Meeting' by Wednesday 17th of February to register. Please state whether or not you will arrive in time for lunch. Registration is free.
- 12:00-13:00 Buffet Lunch in room M/1.25;
- 13:00-13:50 Simon Chandler-Wilde, Reading; Condition numbers in acoustic scattering.
- 13:55-14:45 Albrecht Böttcher, Chemnitz; Asymptotics of the spectral norms of some interesting matrix sequences.
- 14:50-15:10 Coffee;
- 15:10-16:00 Anders Hansen, Cambridge; Computations with the Infinite Matrix.
- 16:05-16:55 Jeremy Levesley, Leicester; Energy and n-widths on manifolds.
- 17:00-17:50 Claudia Wulff, Surrey; Symplectic time-semidiscretizations of Hamiltonian PDEs with non-smooth initial data.
All lectures in Room M/0.34.
Travel directions are available here. Cardiff School of Mathematics is in Senghennydd Road, 200m south of Cathays Railway Station. For online maps use the postcode CF24 4AG and note that some online maps mis-label Senghennydd Road as Woodville Road.
If you need accommodation in Cardiff you can either book some here or try this B+B or this small hotel.
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